Tuesday, March 14, 2023


Fates and Furies by Lauren Groff 

"Lauren Groff’s audacious novel, Fates and Furies, is an astounding portrait of a marriage. With all the elements of Greek Tragedy, Mathilde escapes her dreadful childhood when she marries Lotto, who believes his destiny is to fill the Great American Artist archetype. In “Fates” we are seduced by Mathilde’s and Lotto’s inspiring union, but the “two sides of every story” trope is never truer than in a marriage. “Furies” reveals Mathilde’s tempestuous rage boiling beneath the surface." - https://www.nationalbook.org/books/fates-and-furies/

The para above says it well so I will not write a separate review.

Finished the Goldfinch by Donna Tartt
- The book is about a young boy who survives a bomb attack at the MOMA in New York. He leaves the Museum with a valuable painting and the gold ring given to him by a dying victim (some lovely descriptions there). For some reason he does not tell anyone about the painting, and while that was understandable, what was inexplicable was the sudden anxiety about it in the middle of the book. The book became really gripping while describing his life with his abusive father and his (the father's) girlfriend but lost me somewhere after that. I couldn't fathom why he started cheating and duping people when his life was taking a turn for the better, with a loving guardian and a possible girlfriend. I didn't stay with the book long enough to find out what happened at the end, but something surely went awry with the plot.

Glad it was a library book and not something I purchased.