Thursday, June 1, 2017

Why this blog..

This blog is being started so that we can share information about books we are reading that we think will appeal to the others in this group. We can expand the list of users of this blog depending on how active this becomes. I know all of us are reading very similar books, or at least want to be reading similar books so let's make this work.

I think the best way would be to just create a fresh post for each book, with the title of the book as the heading - this would make it easy to search for it. Also, let's add our comments in the same post.

Our inspiration:
Writer Ann Morgan set herself a challenge – to read a book from every country in the world in one year. While we do not aim to copy her and set a challenge for ourselves, she has inspired our group of voracious readers to share information about books we have loved with each other.

This is the link to Ann Morgan's list: 

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